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7th Grade Computers

Learn to Code for free at home!!!

Hour of Code

In 7th grade, students will continue to build on their keyboarding skills, completing 12 lessons of TypingTime throughout the quarter.  The bulk of our time, however, will be spent in Microsoft office.  We will learn the basics of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

In addition to these tools, students will begin to work on the website Code.Org.  This will introduce them to Coding, which is a skill that can become extremely valuable later in life, giving them a desirable skill in the workforce or allowing them to employ themselves.

Microsoft Word

Students will learn to create and edit documents as well as utilizing different editing tools and shortcuts.  Additionally, we will learn and practice writing personal business letters.

Microsoft Excel

Students will learn how to create and edit spreadsheets using formulas and functions as well as use charts and graphs to display data.


PowerPoint can be a powerful tool in presenting information.  Students will create a PowerPoint using the various tools to enhance their presentation.

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